

New York League of Conservation Voters Endorses Assemblyman Steve Otis

NYLCV President Julie Tighe Joins Otis at a Socially Distant Press Event at Rye Playland Boardwalk Rye, N.Y. -- Julie Tighe, President of the New York League of Conservation Voters joined Assemblyman Steve Otis (D–WFP–IND - Rye) at Rye Playland’s Boardwalk to announce the League’s endorsement of Assemblyman Otis in his re-election effort. The event was scheduled as a “Socially Distant Press Conference” in recognition of the need for everyone to practice safe distancing
during the current Covid-19 health crisis.

Julie Tighe said, “Assemblyman Steve Otis is committed to protecting our environment and public health. Not only does he have a lifetime perfect score of 100% on our State Environmental Scorecard, he also helped create the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act to make sure that localities have the funding they need to provide access to safe and clean water to New Yorkers every day. Clean water is one of NYLCV’s top priorities and that’s why we are proud to stand with Assemblyman Otis in his reelection. We urge voters in Assembly District 91 to cast their ballot for him on Election Day.”

Assemblyman Otis, in accepting the League’s endorsement noted his long partnership with the group, “I have worked with the NYLCV for decades. They are a key part of the coalition of groups that advocate on environmental issues in New York State and a key player in the success we have had in leadership on important issues across the country. I really appreciate the League’s support and Julie Tighe joining us in Westchester today.”

Assemblyman Otis brings a long history of environmental leadership in Westchester and New York State. His most notable recent success centers on the passage New York’s clean water grant program, the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2015. Started as a plan to award $200 million over three years, the WIIA program has grown dramatically and is the largest part of Governor Cuomo’s $5 billion comprehensive clean water program announced in 2017 and 2019. WIIA is administered by the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation in coordination with the Department of Environmental Conservation and Department of Health.

In the first five years of the WIIA program, almost $1.2 billion in state grants have been awardedstatewide to local governments to help pay for almost 700 needed clean water infrastructure projects. The grants have saved local governments over $2.5 billion in reduced property taxes and created 67,000 new jobs. Westchester projects have been awarded $45.5 in grants including every Westchester coastal community on Long Island Sound.

Environmental Bio:

Assemblyman Steve Otis has played a leadership role on environmental issues for decades through a variety of positions going back to the 1980’s. The Assemblyman helped create the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2015, New York’s primary clean water infrastructure grant program. WIIA has grown from a plan to spend $200 million over three years, when it was enacted in 2015, to $416 million in grants awarded by the state in 2019, eclipsing the $300 million NYS Environmental Protection Fund appropriation for the first time. The WIIA program is the largest portion of Governor Cuomo’s 2017 and 2019 $5 billion comprehensive array of clean water programs. Since 2015 WIIA grants have totaled almost $1.2 billion in direct assistance to local governments. With the strong support of the Governor, the Legislature and a coalition of environmental, local government, labor and construction industry groups, the growth in the program has been steady: 2015-$75 million, 2016-$175m, 2017-$255m, 2018-$270m and 2019-$416m. It is especially significant that this environmental spending occurs outside of and in addition to EPF funding.

Assemblyman Otis is involved in a wide variety of environmental and conservation issues in the Assembly. He serves on the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee, Assembly Climate Change Work Group, as well as the committee with jurisdiction over state parks. He also has served as Chair of the Legislative Commission on Solid Waste Management. The Assemblyman is a member of the Assembly Committee on Corporations, Commissions and Authorities, which works on legislation relating to the PSC, MTA and other transportation authorities.


  • 2016 Audubon New York’s William Hoyt Environmental Excellence Award.
  • 2018 Nelson A. Rockefeller Award from the New York Water Environment Association.

As Mayor of the City of Rye (1998-2009) Otis implemented numerous environmental projects and initiatives, including four open space acquisitions, wetland protection, park improvements and other policies that enhance the environment.

As Counsel and Chief of Staff to State Senator Suzi Oppenheimer for over twenty-five years, he worked on numerous statewide and local environmental issues.

Assemblyman Otis is a past Chair of the City of Rye Conservation Commission and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the NYS Association of Conservation Commissions for over twenty-five years. Other past environmental panels and activities include: Westchester County Flood Action Task Force, Vice Chair of the Long Island Sound Watershed Intermunicipal Council, Vice Chair of the Westchester County Environmental Management Council, and Co-Chair of the City of Rye’s Project Impact FEMA program. He has also served on the Stewardship Committee of Audubon NY. Otis helped write the City of Rye’s local wetlands law and wireless equipment siting law. He began his local service on the City of Rye’s Recycling Committee and the Rye Conservation Committee in the late 1980’s.

New York Immigration Coalition Action Endorses Steve Otis for Re-Election to the NY State Assembly

Steve Otis Supports Justice, Opportunity and Fairness for ALL New Yorkers

The New York Immigration Coalition Action (NYIC Action) today announced its endorsement of Steve Otis (D, WFP, IND – Rye) for re-election to the New York State Assembly (91st District).

Steve K. Choi, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition Action said, “The global pandemic has made one thing clear -the health and well-being of every New Yorker is closely tied to that of our neighbors, including the immigrants who are on the front lines of this pandemic and bearing the brunt of it. Now more than ever, we must ensure that our elected leaders are fighting for all of us, committed to fairness, justice and opportunity for all regardless of immigration status. We are proud to endorse Assemblyman Steve Otis (91st AD) who has worked with our Westchester partners on education, legal and human service issues for many years. We look forward to working with him in the next session to protect and provide relief – for immigrant and all New Yorkers.”

In commenting on the endorsement Assemblyman Otis stated, “I appreciate the endorsement of NYIC Action and their advocacy on issues of importance to Westchester families. I am proud of my work with Westchester not-for-profits and school officials to support funding for ELL programs in schools, legal services, the Dream Act and the Green Light bill, policies that support the rights and opportunities of all New Yorkers.”

Steve Otis is running for re-election as Assemblyman for the 91st District which includes Larchmont, Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, Port Chester, Rye and Rye Brook. Otis is a member of the Assembly Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force and works closely with area not-for-profits serving immigrant communities.

NYIC Action (nyicaction.org) was originally formed in 2010 as a sister organization to the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), a 501(c)(3) coalition with 200 member organizations across New York State. In order to increase the political potency of the immigrant vote, Immigrant Action endorses candidates and elected officials who stand up for immigrant communities and against anti-immigrant opponents. Immigrant Action engages in targeted advocacy on specific immigrant-related issues such as legislative scorecards, pointed advocacy flyers highlighting individual elected officials’ stances, and intensive grassroots and direct lobbying of elected officials. Issues include in candidate evaluation included expanding our democracy, racial justice, health and welfare, education, and immigrant justice.”

Steve Otis Endorsed by Planned Parenthood Empire State Votes


Assemblyman Steve Otis (D-WFP-IND-Rye) has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood Empire State Votes for re-election to the State Assembly for the 91st Assembly District.

“Planned Parenthood Empire State Votes is proud to endorse Steve Otis, who is a long-time champion for reproductive health and rights in both Westchester and Albany. Assemblymember Otis was a co-sponsor of the Reproductive Health Act, the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act, and the Boss Bill – all of which work to prioritize reproductive health care and access for New Yorkers.” – Robin Chappelle Golston, Chair, Planned Parenthood Empire State Votes PAC

Assemblyman Otis stated, “The important work of protecting the health care needs of women, reproductive rights and personal freedom continues as new threats come from Washington and the federal courts. I have worked on these issues for decades and thank Planned Parenthood Empire State Votes for their endorsement in this this year’s election.”

In addition to key bill sponsorships the Assemblyman is an advocate for family planning funding in the state budget and is a member of the NYS Bipartisan Pro-Choice Legislative Caucus (BPCLC).

The Assemblyman has been an active supporter of these issues for many years. Before election to the Assembly Otis served as Counsel and Chief of Staff for State Senator Suzi Oppenheimer and worked closely with the Senator on issues relating to reproductive freedom, state funding for women’s health services and on women’s issues generally through the NYS Senate Democratic Task Force on Women’s Issues. He has marched and demonstrated for women’s issues in Westchester, New York City and Washington D.C. Steve works closely with the pro-choice community in Westchester County.

Assemblyman Otis is running for re-election as Assemblyman for the 91st District which Includes Larchmont, Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, Port Chester, Rye and Rye Brook.

Statement of Steve Otis on his Run for Re-election

Statement of Steve Otis on his run for re-election to the NYS Assembly, District 91. April 9, 2020.

“I am running for re-election on my record of solid performance and effectiveness as an Assemblyman delivering results in every aspect of the job.

  • Strong results on issues and funding of importance to every community and school district I represent.
  • Strong record of accomplishment on statewide issues, most notably creation of a new clean water grant program for municipalities, the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2015, which has awarded almost $1.2 billion in grants to local governments, reducing property taxes and making clean water projects a reality. Every Long Island Sound Shore community in Westchester has been awarded funding from the program I initiated. The program has been a great success, awarding $416 million statewide in 2019 alone.
  • A new program I initiated was just included in the recently passed state budget, a Stormwater Grant program for at least $100 million, which was added to Governor Cuomo’s environmental bond act proposal. Both grant programs are vital in helping local governments fund required water infrastructure projects.
  • An outstanding record in successful passage of legislation, in recent years passing a majority of my prime sponsored bills, a rarity among legislators. In 2019 both houses of the legislature passed 13 out of my 14 sponsored bills.

I have passed statewide bills protecting children, safeguarding animals and protecting consumers from deceptive marketing practices and violations of do-not-call registry rules. I also passed landmark criminal justice legislation to help solve missing persons cases.

In 2018 I sponsored Lulu and Leo’s Law, which established a legal duty for individuals to be accurate when presenting credentials or references to be hired as an at-home caregiver of a child. The law was named for Lulu and Leo Krim who were murdered in 2012 at the hands of their nanny who falsified her credentials and lack of previous experience caring for children.

In 2019 I passed important legislation to guarantee that commercial tenants, often small businesses, cannot have their leases unilaterally terminated without access to the courts.

My staff and I are completely dedicated to constituent service. We are currently providing full-time assistance addressing the countless issues facing individuals, nursing homes, local government, school districts and businesses affected by the Covid-19 crisis.

In addition to strong support within the Democratic Party, I have been endorsed by the Independence and Working Family Party lines.

By every measure I have been a hardworking, effective and accessible state legislator. I would be honored to continue that service and continue delivering results for the Sound Shore communities I represent.”

NYS Passes Paid Sick Leave Legislation to Fight COVID-19

Steve Otis co-sponsored legislation to provide all private and public sector employees in New York with sick leave and wage replacement during a mandatory or precautionary order of quarantine or isolation due to COVID-19. This legislation allows all employees to receive anti-retaliation and job protections and is effective immediately. The legislation was signed by Governor Cuomo Wednesday night.

Steve Otis stated, “The economic challenge created by the COVID-19 crisis is only beginning. This legislation will help slow the spread of the coronavirus by providing financial stability to workers who need to stay in isolation. Both part-time and full-time, public or private sector employees are eligible for sick leave benefits outlined in the legislation. As the crisis continues, further economic actions will be required by the federal and state government to protect individuals, families and businesses so that we can weather the storm as a nation.”

Key Information to Protect Your Family from COVID-19

Our country and our county are facing the unprecedented challenge of the highly contagious COVID-19.

Updates can by found on my governmental website and the NYS Department of Health website which is updated daily. The DOH site contains updates and several fact sheets for how to limit the spread of the disease and what to do if you are experiencing symptoms.

If you believe you have been exposed, you should contact your primary care physician who can refer you for testing. Expanded testing opportunities are being made available with testing requests prioritized according to DOH criteria. To see if you qualify for testing, contact either your primary care provider or the State hotline at 888-364-3065.

Important hotline numbers are:

  • People under self-quarantine or exposure to known case: (866) 588-0195
  • NYS Department of Health COVID-19 Hotline: (888) 364-3065 (24/7)
  • Westchester County COVID-19 Information: Call 211

You may also access the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html and the NYS website https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/home

I am working with local officials, school districts and state agencies to address the issues that arise in this evolving challenge to our nation. Please contact me if I can be helpful and please follow the latest public health advisories found on the NYS Department of Health website.

Warm regards,

Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of $1.8 Million Bridge Strike Prevention Project for King Street Bridge

Assembly Member Steve Otis said, “Governor Cuomo and NYS DOT have been very responsive to bringing the most up-to-date technology to the King Street bridge and other locations around the state. We need to redouble our efforts to educate renters and drivers of trucks about bridge height safety. State, county and local officials are united in the cause of promoting better public awareness on this safety issue.

Read Full Article

The Town of Mamaroneck Democratic Committee Makes 2020 Endorsements

Mamaroneck, N. Y. – The Town of Mamaroneck Democratic Committee has voted to endorse incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel for the 16th Congressional district, NY State Senator Shelley Mayer (D- Yonkers) for 37th Senate District and NY Assembly Member Steve Otis (D- Rye) in the 91st Assembly District.

We are fortunate to have such hard-working representatives at the state and congressional level that share our progressive values and who are continuously advocating on behalf of their constituents. Last year’s historic legislative year was only possible thanks to the strong commitment to democratic principles of elected officials like Senator Mayer and Assembly member Otis. The impeachment of President Trump and continuing efforts to hold him accountable are a result of the efforts by representatives like Eliot Engel, who are willing to stand up for the rule of law.

We appreciate the receptiveness of our government representatives and their continued engagement in our committee meetings and look forward to another productive legislative year.

Town of Mamaroneck Awarded $1M Green Infrastructure State Grant

Mamaroneck, NY – Assemblyman Steve Otis (D-Rye) and State Senator Shelley Mayer (D-Westchester) announced today that the Town of Mamaroneck has been awarded a $1M clean water state grant to renovate and ‘green’ Madison Avenue near I-95 in Larchmont. The state funding will allow the Town of Mamaroneck to utilize funds from the Green Innovation Grant Program (GIGP) to improve storm water quality and management in the Madison Avenue area of the Town. The grant was awarded by the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation.

Assemblyman Otis said, “I am thrilled that Mamaroneck’s project has won funding for their innovative clean water project from NYS EFC. The Town has been a leader in cutting edge projects to protect Mamaroneck’s environment. Governor Cuomo and EFC have made a major funding commitment to clean water infrastructure projects statewide. The Green Innovation Grant program is part of that success.”

Senator Mayer said, “I am pleased to support the Town of Mamaroneck in its efforts to secure this $1M state grant for the Madison Avenue Green Infrastructure Project. Congratulations to Town Supervisor Nancy Seligson and thank you for leading on innovative green efforts in our local communities.”

Town Supervisor Nancy Seligson said, “I’m very pleased that the Town of Mamaroneck will be able to make the Madison Avenue area more resilient and sustainable by constructing Green Infrastructure thanks to a NYS GIGP grant. The Green Infrastructure will reduce flooding and improve stormwater water quality.”

This project will include bioretention areas and underground detention that will improve drainage and reduce the volume of storm water runoff. This is consistent with NYS Department of Environmental conservation green infrastructure practices and will capture and treat storm water from Madison Avenue and paved adjacent areas, thereby improving the water quality of Pine Brook which runs into the Long Island Sound. Traffic calming measures such as planted medians will be added that will further help retain storm water and beautify the area.

In May, Assemblyman Otis sponsored a clean water green infrastructure workshop in Westchester with the Environmental Facilities Corporation to make local government officials aware of some of the state’s innovative clean water assistance programs and encourage applications from our region.

Assemblyman Steve Otis Statement on the Passing of Judith Johnson

The passing of Judith Johnson is a great loss to schoolchildren across New York. Judith was a leader in education in districts throughout our region for decades. Her selection to the Board of Regents in 2015 represented the legislature’s desire to bring outstanding educators to the board. She was in constant contact with teachers, school officials and students throughout her time as a regent. Our state legislative delegation met with her often and in a meeting as recently as a few weeks ago. She was an advocate for quality education for every child and careful analysis before deciding education policy. Judith will be sorely missed.