Rye’s Assemblyman Otis Named To Climate- Change Work Group
The Rye Daily Voice has this story:
State Assemblyman Steve Otis (D-Rye) has been appointed by Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to serve on a newly formed panel focusing on climate-change issues.
The 10-member Climate Change Work Group will explore policy initiatives, at both the federal and state levels, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat the effects of climate change. Otis, a member of the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee, has long championed environmental causes, including protection of the Long Island Sound, increased funding for the State Environmental Protection Fund and improved emergency preparedness and capability requirements for utility companies.
In the assembly, Otis has fought for increased state aid to localities for much-needed flood mitigation and disaster resiliency projects. He also co-sponsored the Community Risk and Resiliency Act, enacted in September 2014, which requires government planners to consider the impact of storm damage and climate change when making building or rebuilding decisions.
“The greater frequency of extreme weather events, like Superstorm Sandy, leaves no doubt that climate change is real,” said Otis. “I am grateful to Speaker Heastie for his leadership in recognizing that governments at all levels must do their part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting our communities from the devastating economic and environmental effects of climate change events.”