
Soccer Goal Safety Bill Rooted In Rye Brook Signed Into State Law

From the Daily Voice:

RYE, N.Y. — Legislation that got kick-started by a serious soccer accident in Rye Brook has become state law.

Assemblyman Steve Otis, D-Rye, announced Monday that his bill mandating new safety guidelines for movable soccer goals was signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday.

This lurking danger was all too real for a Rye Brook family whose 8-year-old daughter suffered a crushed femur when a portable soccer goal was blown over in June 2002.

“The surgeon said it was as if a sledgehammer came down on my daughter’s leg with full force,” John Parisi recalled. “If the soccer goal had hit her head, the accident would not have been survivable.”

Julia Parisi eventually made a full recovery, but only after enduring several surgeries and months of painful physical therapy.

“I am very grateful to Assemblyman Otis and his team for all of their efforts and, of course, to Governor Cuomo for signing the bill into law,” Parisi said. “This law will protect children from serious injury and it will save the lives of children.”

Read the full article here.